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(#31 (permalink))
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clintjm (Offline)
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11-11-2009, 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I think you are placing too much emphasis on the workplace as the cause of obesity. In fact, I think it is probably the opposite.

Socio-economic status is factor. The less educated and poorer you are, the fatter you tend to be. The hardest workers and richest people are not the fattest. It is the uneducated. Look at the floor on Wall Street or the board room at a New York attorney's office (hard working people who tend to work the longest hours). Then go down to the unemployment office and look at the line. Where do you think you'll find the higher percentage of overweight people?
Very little argument here. The least expensive food (processed foods) on the shelf in American supermarkets are just junk. But they are labeled appropriately. And if you can read then you can learn how to read the nutrifacts.

Not just workplace, but the lifestyle of the American worker based on their environment. I don't know... I see quite a mix in New York having lived their myself. Urban city environments always differ than rural because of the amount of movement required in the city.

I will agree its not *just* occupational but also in combination on where you live and income level. Less educated... hmmm.. I'm going to disagree here. Falls back on ... didn't know that <insert junk meal> was good for you - I just can't go with that.

All good points here though.
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