Going to holland ^^ -
11-12-2009, 12:12 AM
im looking for new dutch friends (mostly). I found my current boyfriend from world of warcraft and i would like to speak to people from holland that also has intest in japanese culture ^^.
Im gonna celebrate Sinterklaas for the first time, pretty exited by it.
I come from Sweden and i might after 2 years to move to Holland and start family with my boyfriend. So it would be good if i knew some dutch people more then my bf.
Im going to a small town named middelburg on 20/12-09 and going home in 22/01-10.
Hugs from Ito
i got irc now
find mangas on lurk
my site: http://jennikaisa.hi5.com/
Member in deviantart: ito86
http://13gb.com/pictures/2288/ WTF
protest against facebook!!