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jesselt (Offline)
Posts: 313
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: 夢の泉
Trip next summer to Kyoto - Suggestions! - 11-12-2009, 06:47 AM

Next summer my fiance and I will be going to Osaka and Kyoto for our honeymoon. This is my second time to these areas (and Japan in general) and will be her first.

Last time I was in Osaka I was just there for the airport and the first night. I didn't see anything outside of just walking around town =/

I really have no idea where we should go in Osaka, but we wanted to take the train to Kyoto for some sights there as well. We will be in Japan for a total of 7 days, not including the first part day there and the returning day. We will of course be going to 金閣寺 but I'm not too sure beyond that. I would greatly appreciate some suggestions by those people who either live in Japan or have been to the area. Keep in mind that we will only be traveling to Kyoto but staying the entire trip in a hotel in Osaka.

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