Originally Posted by MoshixMoshi
And you know what I just realized? I know lots of people that don't even know how to prepare food, or especially, healthy food. Steamed veggies are just waaaaay over their heads. I think it's important for kids to learn how to cook and enjoy doing it...Home Ec was never a requirement where I went to school and over half the kids didn't know how to prepare a single meal. It might be a contributing factor as well...
Seconding this. Home Ec., or rather, "Food Technology" was compulsory in my school but we still learnt sweet FA about how to actually cook something. How to calculate the calcium in a yoghurt or design packaging for biscuits, sure; but to actually be able to feed ourselves safely and healthily on a day-to-day basis? Excuse me whilst I choke laughing on my wine. No wonder Jamie Oliver can go into a school waggling a leek and get kids asking him if it's a kiwi fruit. *facepalm*
I'm just lucky my family is a bunch of foodies.
Edit: Also, a lot of produce is only expensive because we insist on buying it out of season. Get in touch with what's actually growing for the time of year; it tends to be much, much more economical.