Originally Posted by sarasi
Western society's infatuation with cuteness? Are you sure you got that right?
Coloured contacts are not the way to go in my opinion. The blueish ones early in the thread look really unnatural- people are kidding themselves if they think those make them look more attractive. I have seen some really bad coloured contacts on Japanese people- they look scary more than anything else.
Well it depends on what suits you. When I wear black circle lenses, I think it looks a bit alienish, but on a lot of other people it looks attractive. I usually wear purple ones, and I get a lot of compliments, and a few people saying they're creepy. Makeup does not make much of a difference to your eye size UNLESS you already have big eyes.
Here is a picture of my eyes, the top picture just has makeup and the bottom picture has similar makeup (plus black eyeliner on the bottom), circle lenses, and good lighting.