Originally Posted by snakewar
Hi there!
I'm new here, and i'm lookin' for someone who speak/write japanese or chinese (traditional) so i can practice....
I speak Chinese and Japanese and right now i'm learning to write and the grammatical:
Japanese: Actually i'm learnin' to write in hiragana first and then the kanjis.
Chinese: I'm tryin' to learn some hanzis (traditional) is more difficult than the simplified... hehe...
I learn everything alone, i didn't try to translate words from japanese to spanish/english because it's more complicated this way... First of all, i learn to speak, and then to write (that's the way we learn at school) Doing this i learned to speak chinese and japanese in just a couple of months...
Well see yah soon! ^^
Hi, welcome to the site.
Frankly speaking, if you really want to learn traditional Chinese, you may need to find someone from Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan as they are still read and write in traditional Chinese. For the people in China mainland, we can read traditional character, but we write simplified one. Hope it's helpfu to you. Regards.