11-17-2009, 12:45 PM
[quote=sarasi;783251]No Japanese name is that short. The syllable "na" is a component of many women's names: Namie, Rina, Natsuko etc, but you will never see it by itself as a name.
Hi. I think so to.I'm a Japanese.
"na" is no Japanese neme. about Chinese or Korean neme
My name is Toshiaki. write by kanji="俊明"
"Toshiaki" is about no meaning to pronunciations.
toshi(俊) is my fathers mame. (My fathers name is Toshirou 俊郎)
and my parents wants the person to become a bright person.
bright in the Japanese alario "明るい". 俊+明= Toshiaki
日本語が分かる人がいたら補足で説明していただけると 助かります。
両親は父親の名前から俊""の文字をとり(父親は俊郎とい います)
明るく育つように"明"の字を合わせて"俊明"としました� �
名前は大切なので時間をかけてつけてあげるといいと思 います。