Posts: 762
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: shhh....it's a secret~
11-17-2009, 01:45 PM
A lambourgini....
cuz I don't have the money to buy one.
On a more cheaper note..
I would like that dragon tattooed xbox 360 wireless controller.
My kids have their own and argue that I should buy my own, cuz I "juice out" their batteries...but since I take care of other things like bills and groceries and important household junk...I mean necessities. I can't seem to indulge myself with getting one.
Property of Eiri & Pexster
Virtual Boyfriend...Hyakushi in *Indian suit*
Eiri - 41 : Rojjin -43 : Sly - 121 : Yuna7780 - 57 : reihino - 14 : Crani - 22 : Ramones1976 - 0 : AnimeBaby112 - 3 : Arikado - 1 : KikiBunny23 - 3 : Pexter -0