Thread: Marijuana
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clintjm (Offline)
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11-18-2009, 05:39 AM

Originally Posted by honoraryjapanesegirl View Post
The fact that they want to legalize it is extremely stupid, and it is a bad show on heir part. Even from inside America it's seen as a desperate measure by the government to fix all the unnecessary mistakes that's it's made.
Some of my friends, the ones who really aren't all that politcally involved, think it a wonderful idea! Well, it's crap. If you legalize pot, what's gonna happen? People are going to get sick, and need to see specialists, they won't have the money, and then what? We'll be in just a bigger problem!
Actually from the studies I've read (as old as they may be), tobacco is more harmful than marijuana; one reason there is medical marijuana. Alcohol abuse is far more dangerous health wise and addicition wise. The American diet in America seems to be more dangerous after some of the other threads...

Legalizing it would surely free up our jails and make room for the real criminals.

Hey it would probably even help the get medical marijuana racket out of the health care system.

Think of the problems of alcohol during the American prohibition. Black market, large wealthy mob etc etc.

My opinion is legalize it and treat it like alcohol / tobacco. Its hard to do though in a nanny state.

Originally Posted by honoraryjapanesegirl View Post
They say the recession's over? Bull. Total. Bull. I can tell you from being in the bottom right now, it's not over. It's just getting a little better.
So, yeah I think it's total crap.
Hope it helps...
Almost worth calling it a depression, but Americans are told they can't use that term.
Unemployment is not going down (and its far worse than anyone can truley calculate because of the way it is calculated). And that fake stimulus package that the government raves about is being debunked right on the ABC evening news... sad...

But think of all the GREEN jobs you would be creating if marijuana was legalized.... you also be saving the environment from global warming by planting MORE trees.../ plants...
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