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(#9 (permalink))
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MilKyXxdreamXx (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 71
Join Date: Nov 2009
11-19-2009, 12:09 AM

i've seen some funny comments are said around here. but the thing is,, some of you guys say that white cannot look asian, but what about vice versa? there are asians trying to look white, and they seem happy by how they look , but no matter what, they still do not look white. (even if they try to be)
so i don't think it's a problem if caucasians trying to look asian (or vk look), since there will be some who can't pull it, but some may pull about 50% in almost looking like it.
it only depends if you are good in knowing the makeup or styles of it, you'll get at least partial right if you're going for a diff race look.

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