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Kokugen (Offline)
Kingdom Hearts RP GM
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GM 2nd post - 03-30-2007, 06:01 PM

Leaona continued to stare in disbelief at the crowd of people, Riku stepped forward from the crowd and placed his hand on her head,

"Idiot, we came back for you."

Leonia's face slowly began burning a red blush creeping up her cheeks,

"I know you must've been worried when everyone left."

"I - I thought I was alone..."

Riku smiled and removed his hand from her head, before turning around and looking at the others,

"Well all your friends are back so you don't have to be."

Selphie stepped forward and hugged Leonia,

"Welcome back! Japanese class has been really boring without you!"

Leaonia was beginning to get overwelhmed by all the events happening so quickly,

"I - Thanks."

Wakka put his arm around Tidus' neck and dragged him forward,

"Tidus has been missing you too!"

"What the! What are you talking about!"

Leonia smiled at her friends they seemed just the same as they were back in the old days.

Nakama in the Kingdom Hearts RP
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