Originally Posted by ozkai
Yes, but in Japan it is much deeper as to be proved dishonest can have devistating suicidal consequences of which Japan rates as one of the highest in the world. Dishonour is a shocka.
The suicide rate is not very relevant to honesty or dishonesty. The country with the highest suicide rate is Belarus, which is nearly double Japan's rate. Second place belongs to Russia, and the remainder of the top 5 or so can be found in Eastern Europe. Japan rates as #7 on the WHO's national suicide rate list. Of course, this list is missing great many countries. As an interesting fact, the suicide rates in Canada and America are pretty much identical, even though guns are common and legal in America, and that crime in America is supposed to be more common than in Canada.
Japan is quite an honest country, though I too have have been a victim of theft since I arrived here. Someone stole a bicycle which I had locked to a tree in front of my GF's apartment building in Tokyo. Not a big deal, when living in America I had my car broken into on several occasions, and someone attempted to break into my house at another time. Luckily for me I kept 2 dogs in the house, which frightened the burglar/s away. On the other hand, I would not be worried at all if I left my door unlocked in Japan.
In business, most Japanese are very honest. I've visited other countries on continents where dishonesty and corruption is the rule, whereas in Japan (and America, and other developed nations), it is the exception.