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(#7 (permalink))
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yuriyuri (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 232
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Location: UK
11-20-2009, 07:26 AM

Read, listen to, write or say correct sentences with them all in context... every day.
There is no easy way out on this, there is no mnemonic that will cover all of the particles and meanings.
You just have to get stuck in and use them.

And what do you mean you have no Japanese people to speak with, your on a forum about Japan and Japanese language where a few Japanese people post in Japanese in Japanese threads.
And Nagoyankee, out of the kindess of his heart, provides an absolutely unbelievable amount of help to members who have questions about Japanese language on this forum.

Try to join in the Japanese chat thread here:

If you aren't sure what you are saying in Japanese is correct then type out the same sentence that you wanted to say in English too.
That way somebody will be able to show you the correct way to say it.

Or if you don't feel ready to join in, then just read (do this in firefox with the help of the rikaichan plugin... Although if this is the case then I don't see why you would want to search for Japanese to talk to in real-time anyway)

Anyway the point is, if you sit around all day trying to think of easy ways to remember all of these particles, that's time wasted where you could be practicing using, and getting better at using them.
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