Originally Posted by VampireGirl1314
I like poems and i wanted to see if anyone else did to so here is a poem that i like.
Love Is Like A Sand Castle That Gets Washed Away.
One minute a sand castle is firm in the sand,
he next minute its crumbling into the water.
so build your up on the shore,
away from the waves of hate.
because once those waves hit you
your love is washed away.
don't choose a sand castle just because
its taller or looks better than another.
choose one that will hold you, support you forever.
don't let it wash away.
By: Cody Rutten
I hope you post some poems that you like.>^__^<
Hi, I know you love poems and may love creating that. I just know a poem site that you may enjoy it.
GotPoetry.com > > News, Events, Articles and more.