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(#6 (permalink))
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Nagoyankee (Offline)
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11-20-2009, 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by munzy View Post

It's so funny to read this... lol

なーんて is a long version to say なんて then.... is like to add enphasis, right?

What's the "〓" at the end of that phrase? O.o Why they use the 〓? Or sometimes "…↓"??


I need really to say thank you so much !!
It's a kind of a custom to add な~んて、なんてね、なんちゃって, etc. immediately after we have told a joke, made a pun or said anything that we hope will make the listener laugh.

To tell the truth, I have no idea what the guy meant with "〓" or "…↓". What I do know is that young Japanese (even some adults) like to use all kinds of symbols and hieroglyphics when they write on the internet or cell phone. I guess this is a cultural trait. Kanji can look like pictures, so we don't draw as clear a line between letters and pictures as Europeans might. Just my own analysis. (<・_・>)♪♪ 
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