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MazarDantechildofdevil (Offline)
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03-30-2007, 06:09 PM

  • "Damn..." Neiru says this under his breath looking up at all the heartless and nobodies around him. He laughs slightly, draws his keyblade from his back than charges. He comes up to the first Dusk and slashes through it with ease, a shadow than attacks. He maneuvers out of the way with ease and slashes it through the back, suddenly all of the shadows and dusks reallize they cannot beat him one on one and attack him all at once. "Dammit they're getting smarter," Neiru says this and all of the shadows and dusks collide into him.
  • Neiru yells at this moment, "Dark Deception Realm!" the whole area turns black and desolate, darkness seems to embody the realm as Neiru sucks the Dusks and Heartless into darkness even they have never seen. Neiru laughs and continues laughing as quickly you see Dusks and Shadows disappear one by one in seconds. The area turns back to normal and all of the Dusks and Shadows dissappear.
  • "Nothing, can stop....ME!!!" Neiru yells this and continues on this perilous journey of his. He searches rooms trying to find the Flame.

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