11-21-2009, 09:44 PM
読めます = Can Read
I was asking if you could read that.
Anyway, you're confusing GA with WA. A brief rundown of particles:
The difference between GA and WA isn't too hard to understand. Put simply, when using WA, the word you want to emphasize is after the particle, while with GA, it is before the particle. For example... in English, if someone asked you "What is your name?" and another person asked you "Who is Fred?", the answer to both IN ENGLISH is "I am Fred." (assuming you're Fred.) However, in Japanese, the answer to "What is your name?" is "僕はフレードです。", while the answer to "Who is Fred?" would be "僕がフレードです。". Do you understand?
WO (pronounced O) is used to mark an object. For example:
I ate an apple.
You use WO because ringo(apple) is the object that was eaten.
This would be complete nonsense because you'd be saying that the apple ate.
NO is used for possession. This one is probably one of the easiest to use in my opinion. Here's an example:
My Japanese is poor.
NO indicates that the word before the particle is the possessor and the word after it is the object that the word before the particle possesses.
TO is used just like the word "and". Just in case you don't understand, here's an example:
Me and him went to school. (I know that's terrible English, but this is just an example.)
KA is used to turn a sentence into a question... plain and simple. Just put it after the sentence... for example:
Do you want to learn Japanese?
If I forgot to mention any particles, just remind me and I'll explain.