Thread: JLPT Level 3
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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11-21-2009, 10:57 PM

Originally Posted by Apathium View Post
I am taking the JLPT level 3 exam in exactly 15 days. I only know level 4 grammar and vocab and about 150 Kanji. I'm a self-study student. The maximum i can study a day is about 2 hours. If i study hard for the next 15 days do you think i can pass it? I don't know any good grammar sites that focus specifically on JLPT grammar that explains instead of just giving examples. I can't switch to level 4 now so it's either pass or fail. Any help appreciated. Thanks.

JLPT3 is a recommended 300 hours of study IIRC.

You need to learn 150 more kanji, and 700 new words. That's not counting the new grammar. 30 more hours of study is all you're willing/able to dedicate to Japanese? Stupid question. I am dumber for having read your post.

God, young people with their rap music and their "learn a language in 30 hours."

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 11-21-2009 at 11:00 PM.
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