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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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11-22-2009, 03:57 AM

Originally Posted by Nagoyankee View Post
This is already incorrect before going into that complicated sentence. The phrase is こんにちは, not こにちは.

Not correct. The "polished and tempered" part must come first, and the "gains luster and strength" part follows it . You have no choice in this in Japanese (unless you want to make the final sentence very casual).

My best: 「人生は磨かれ鍛えられてこそ、その光彩と強さを増す のである。」

I know you wanted it in romaji but I couldn't because that's like me asking you to write English using kana.
Yeah, it's sort of facially ridiculous to try and translate that sentence without being about to actually write Japanese.
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