Originally Posted by Raiha
wow, that bad huh?
i'm kind of committed at this point, but i hear plenty of stories about people who are graduated and have passed the bar, yet ironically they are now working at bars.
i'm more into the criminal side than anything but i was thinking about going into federal law enforcement.
i try to keep up with my japanese so i can move there once obama has bankrupted my country beyond repair, but i doubt my american law degree would do me much good there.
You of course
do realize that Obama's fiscal policy is what Japan has been doing for years, right, only they recently stepped up the stimulus policy because they weren't going at it hard enough for it to be successful and now (so I've heard) it's working? Keynesian economic policy. I suggest you read up on the golden land of totally kawaii anime and panty vending machines before moving there: it sounds like you have no idea what you're talking about. Oh, and not to mention that Japan's got that whole public option and universal health care thing going on already.
And you're not committed. You're a 2L and are falling victim to the sunk cost fallacy ("well, I'm already in this deep, I might as well finish digging"):
Sunk costs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't know your situation, but you really should look to minimize your debt. Approximately $100K in student loan debt will very likely grow with interest faster than you can afford to pay it back. And also, man, the government isn't hiring, either. What law school do you go to? If it's outside of, say, the top 20 or so, you're going to have a hell of a time finding employment when you get out. I went to the #15 school in the nation, and almost all of my friends are unemployed right now. The ABA has recently approved outsourcing legal work to India (and it's happening), the boom years of 2007 are not coming back for at least a decade, and the median/average salary that most law schools post as evidence of their grads success is borderline fraud. UT's advertised numbers was $130K starting salary right out of school. But it turns out for my year if you weren't in, say, the top 15–20%, that wasn't happening. Just prepare yourself for the onslaught. But maybe we'll all get lucky and the legal field will boom again somehow.
But this isn't a career advice forum; it's a Japanese forum. I digress.
The one note I guess every other person reading this post can take away is that lawyers are not prestigious. Most of them make $50K/year and work insane hours just to stay afloat. Not prestigious at all. Stop thinking we are, and stop sending your kids to law school; it's a death sentence.