Originally Posted by Gehadu
Thank you all.
I need this sentence primarily because I'm working on a learning guide/Manual for our Martial Arts dojo. Our sosai is Masututsu Oyama, and this was one of his alleged quotations, so i'm trying to get that ready for the presentation which should be in a week or two and i'm geting nervous because i don't feel i could get it translated by then.
Why are you trying to translate English->Japanese if it was originally in Japanese?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?! And it's Masutatsu Ooyama. And if you're working on something commercial like it seems, you should hire a professional translator. Otherwise, you're going to end up with a Chevy Nova situation in Mexico ("Chevy No va" means "Chevy doesn't go" in Spanish).
Personally, I prefer this quote of his: 自分には見えない自分の顔を人に見られている、それが 人生だ。 "To show to people one's face that one cannot see, that is life."