11-23-2009, 12:57 AM
And to continue the fun, the news today on Yahoo says "Global Warming Impacts Have Worsened Since Kyoto". And then the story which follows talks about how much more severe global warming has become. Interestingly enough, the IPCC itself has had to roll back estimates of global warming (and change the name to "climate change"), and admit that the world has in fact cooled over the last decade. Of course they then go on to explain that the cooling of the last decade was actually caused by "global warming".
I guess they think that most people are stupid, which is probably true.
And, for those of you who haven't read it, the University of East Anglia has confirmed that these emails and documents are genuine.
I don't see a problem with reducing fossil fuels to reduce emissions, nor do I have any problems with clean energy. My home in America is powered by solar electricity, I doubt anyone else here has gone to the same expense to make their homes as "green" as mine is. What I don't like is being lied to by government and "scientists" who make up stories in order to scare me into giving them more money and power to fix a problem which doesn't exist.