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11-23-2009, 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by ozkai
I find it unfortunate that not a small percentage have anything positive to say about the Japanese male.
Are they really that bad?
Most western sheilas I know are not interested in Asian males.
They put it down to a small pecker, but is that the REAL reason?
I wouldn't think so. I presume most women are not comfortable with having to get accustomed to a culture vastly different to their own. Likewise with the men, ofcourse. I think it's just down to the person.
For example, being Turkish myself, I find that the Japanese culture and my own culture are very similar on it's outlook on most things. Thus, having a Japanese girlfriend would not affect me too much, because there would be less adaptation.
However, for example, an English young man might have problems, since the cultures are vastly different. I say male, but it counts for both genders.
As for the small pecker, the tallest man in the world is Chinese, I'm sure there are some Japanese men who don't fail to deliver in that area either ;P
- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -