11-24-2009, 12:02 AM
Is it weird (something most people do not do)? Yeah
Is it OK to do (won't get you in trouble)? Yeah
Foods are about as subjective as your favorite movie. You like what you like and that's all there is to it. Sure, others can laugh or cringe at it, but that doesn't change things. Most people who have not had sushi or love strong flavors will not appreciate those subtle flavors of sushi or know what is good about them. Still, most people like to try stuff. Much like with wines, cheeses, or other fine dinings.
It doesn't mean we can't appreciate other qualities such as the stronger flavors or the texture (which is my favorite part of sushi).
However, I'd gladly slow down and have someone either explain to me what "good" or "bad" sushi tastes like or gives me an example of each. Such tastes have to be developed.
A chef being insulted by my tastes in food will get a strange look from me as well.