Originally Posted by chryuop
I didn't mean to sound harsh. I got nothing against you, nor I am whatsoever upset for something you told me. I didn't say you are negative all the time. As I said you post alot here and you are indeed very helpful in this forum. I learnt to trust your opinion regarding Japanese language (and speaking of me that's a lot trust me). But you tend to lose your temper too quickly sometimes.
I guess who comes in here all the time learnt to know you (big statement I know  ), so I doubt we can get offended by certain tones you use sometimes. But first time comers can react differently.
Instead of starting calling them dumb or lazy, it is enough to say "look at the sticky messages" or "try search option coz this question was already answered". And even if all they want is to know how to say a word or a phrase and not study the language, I don't really see the big deal in that. I asked my old manager (Turkish) many times how to say a word in his language without actually studying it.
Anyway, I don't mean to start anything bigger that what actually is. I was just saying that maybe you should consider a better first approach (if they continue then go ahead, I will unleash you  ).
To be fair, you make some very good points. I suppose I lose my temper online because I'm such a peaceful guy in real life (believe it or I'LL KILL YOU!

I will try to stay calm. I was a bit tired when I responded harshly to the guy earlier, and I think in this situation a bit of frustration is warranted, but I should still strive to keep my cool. Thanks for calling me out on it.