Thread: vegan in japan?
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futurebeast (Offline)
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11-24-2009, 02:49 AM

I believe that there are a lot of vegetarians in Japan. There is a rather popular magazine called, "Ready, Veggie, Go!" You know that Bhuddism has a long history of vegetarianism as well as Janism, though it is not directly related to the question of Japan. I know that I have also eaten at vegetarian restaraunts in Japan. Watch out for any soup broths, dumplings etc. I will also let you know that there are plenty of wonderful vegetable shops in Japan and lots of great fruit. Yummy!

Here is a listing of vegetarian tokyo restaraunts:

Tokyo Vegetarian Guide: Vegetarian-friendly Restaurant Guide

哎呀, 我把我的 Jordan Kicks 放在哪里了? 糟糕!
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