Thread: vegan in japan?
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superyen (Offline)
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11-24-2009, 07:16 AM

thank you everyone for the replies.

i am not too concerned about restaraunts. more concerned about grocery stores with fruit that is too expensive to buy or something? i've been reading online like ONE piece of fruit costing like five dollars? is that for real?

how much would a typical meal cost in japan... like a bento lunch compared to a resturaunt meal, compared to going to the supermarket and buying a lettuce and a couple fruits and veggies in season?

how do i know if a kimchi is vegetarian?

what about sea weeds? they make seaweed salads in japan? what would they normally put in that?

also i know this is a little off topic, but how do i create a custom avatar?

i am aware about japan's religious beliefs and roots of vegetarianism. i have also read that even though they were mostly "vegetarian," they still ate some fish and a little seafood. i guess that is like when people say they are veg, but they eat fish? like fish is somehow not an animal? i never understood that...

Last edited by superyen : 11-24-2009 at 07:19 AM.
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