Originally Posted by JoshAussie
Please elaborate.
[x]Name: Canada.
[x] Nickname(s): Fleece, Mike.
[x] Birthday: 6/10.
[x] Sex: Female
[x] Location: Yorks! (the original)
[x] Country: Get a geography lesson, go on.
[x] E-mail:
[email protected]
[x] Religion: Ooh I don't really know. Hamsters have always captured my worship. I once almost joined the Partridge Family Temple. Since I don't think "Canada" and "Patridge" would get collaborate nicely I had to give up on that idea though.
[x] Languages?: English, Frog, Dutch. Well I say I know Dutch. I fear if I tried to write any sort of letter in the language my NL to Eng. dictionary would make a dramatic collapse into dust. And I wouldn't want that, cos psychologically wouldn't that be damaging to an aspiring ecrivaine!
[x] Main Interests: spying, colouring in, typing string around things, going to Whitby, hanging out in the draper's shop and getting orgasmic with the silks, running. Quite like spending time with the people I call friends, although usually most of my time is spent up in my room or a tree with a biro and a first edition in a State of Ruin because I find it ridiculously difficult to Be Active and Do Things With Other Human Beings.
[x] Described as: "strange", although i don't really believe i am? Truthfully I think I'm devastatingly normal.
[x] Significant Other?: i am taking a v. well deserved break from significant otherness! You lot are all more trouble than you're worth. Who am I talking to? (: Don't worry, I don't really know either.
[x] School?: Yes, i go. Don't like it much though, they exhibit peculiar prejudice towards my poor purple biros and painted hands.
[x] Job?: volunteer in a charity shop. I get to use the price gun! Booyah! Actually the novelty's kind of worn off now, but I still have the Using The Till Tutorial to look forward to so I'll be sticking around there a bit longer. Not really sure if that qualifies as a proper job? I don't get any money from it. I sometimes babysit if I'm feeling desperately mercenary and in need of materialistic relief.
[x] Who are your favorite bands/singers?: Crickets and their songs, in summer, but in the winter I listen to bottled bands. At the moment I like Type O Neg. And Smiths. Same old, same old (:
[x] Favorite movies: About a Boy! Aristocats! Ratatouille! Parent Trap! Louis de Funes films! I would say a Beatles film, but I don't like them much. I like the Oxo advert where the boy's sprinkling Oxo on his sister's head. Yas. Well. I don't watch much TV.
[x] Actors/Actresses: Judi Dench, Rowan Atkinson.
[x] How many pen pals do you want?: Don't rightly know. One would be a good start.
[x] What sex do you want them to be?: You may be a hermaphrodite, never met one of them!
[x] What race do you want them to be?: Viperfish? Any of those hanging around t'internet?
[x] What religion do you want them to be?: Preferably...unreligious (: Even if you're going to keep it all to myself and don't intend to give me the Joy of God. I'm not very open minded, you see.
[x] Where do you want them to be from?: I'm not very English so I'd quite like someone from England. Love English culture! Europe, USA? Preferably people who can speak French/ English reasonably well (: I get quite impatient avec those proudly painstakenly fluent in textspeak too. People from RUSSIA! Russians to me are fascinating.
[x] What age do you want them to be?: Up to maybe 30? I'm not really too bothered but I doubt anyone above 30 would feel too comfortable talking to a 16 year old. I don't know, would you?
[x] Favourite books/authors: A. A. Milne, Chaim Potok, CGP (of the Revision Guides! Thrillingly hilarious they are), SdB, Chekhov, W. Somerset. Maugham. Babysitters Club (: My fascination of Connecticuttian peoples is fuelled by these books.
[x] Do you collect anything?: Not really. Apart from books, and that's not really a concious collection. They just seem to...come. People are always giving me doodlebooks, so I have lots of those. Oh I collect things of the Beatles! I would love to meet a Proper Beatles Fan. Or anyone who feels they should be in the 60s like me.
[x] Things you wouldn't mind getting/giving: Cucumber Sandwiches, an essential but sadly overlooked part of the English culture. I would be glad to compare and contrast, as I would like to get a Cucumber Sarnie Revolution going! I'm sure old Liz would support the revival! But we'd have to work out some sort of envelope-for-the-envelope mechanism cos things would get a bit soggy and our postman gets miffed easily. Shoes maybe. I often suffer shoe shortages.