Originally Posted by futurebeast
It really is not that hard. If you provide your email, then anyone can bill you through Paypal with a money request. Then you can pay with a credit card etc. Otherwise, money orders are very common. There is no reason to have a bank account if you don't want one.
Why is everyone one so suspicious, geeze. Have you guys seen the document? It is not some leaked, top secret, counter insurgency recruitment letter or anything.
I would just say. Ask for examples of work people have done before, then pay a deposit and finally they should provide you with some of the document for you to see before you pay the rest. Wham!, they send it to you when it is done. Easy, right?
the problem that i dont even have a credit card ! .. i didnt really need it before ..... so i dont really know what to do .... now what do u think u can advice me to do ? ... and also how much u think it will cost me ?