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(#9 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
11-26-2009, 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by honoraryjapanesegirl View Post
In America, tomorrow we will be celebrating Thanksgiving Day, which has no more respect, due the people's focus on Black Friday. (The time when shops are getting rid of their old stuff and bringing in the new, which is cause for major sales...)

A few years ago, the American government decided to move Thanksgiving Day up one week from the last Thursday of November to the second to the last week of the November.

The reason?

To give shoppers more time to buy Christmas gifts and such...That was taken with much hostility, and it's now back to the last Thursday of November.

Do any other countries have this same little respect for their holidays? I mean, I know America's bad, but are there any other stories like this one?

In the UK the only holidays we have unique to us are Guy Fawkes Day and Remeberance Day (although I think some other countries in the commonwealth celebrate that). I think people have a healthy respect for the latter, and still tend to enjoy the former. Other holidays like Christmas, Easter etc. tend to be more about commercialism than religion, and Halloween - like another poster said - had little respect at all. I think most people consider holidays a time to just have fun, so there's little respect to be had
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