Originally Posted by masaegu
I'll be honest. Don't read if you don't want to get hurt.
The more closely I read your first post, the more strongly I feel that you belong in 101. Not having mastered katakana is just completely out of the question. Not knowing one kanji is rediculous. Some students who happily take 101 already know both kana systems and a few dozen kanji beforehand if it's America that you go to school in.
What's the big deal with knowing some nouns and adjectives and a few verbs? How do you even put words together if you don't know the particles? Not mentioning the particles tells me so much about how much Japanese you already know. Can you conjugate your adjectives as well as the "few" verbs you claim to know?
I don't know what college you're going to, but I can assure you from my own personal experience with U.S. colleges that offer Japanese that you won't last three days in 102 at the tougher ones.
I would love to see you write a paragraph in Japanese. People who have successfully finished 101 can compose nice paragraphs if you believe it or not. I've read and corrected hundreds of them myself.
I feel bad now...can you really learn that much in a semester? I guess I am a very slow learner then, coz to learn to write a decent paragraph took me more than a semester