Originally Posted by momoz
I think you can say "運動は体にいい(undou ha karada ni ii)" or
few japanese say exercising but say "exercise" in generally.
so you can use it just as it is.
i'm sorry i can't explain well because of my poor english...
You were correct: 運動は体にいい。
In English, we often use the gerund (-ing) as a noun. This is why "exercise is good" and "exercising is good" are both correct English. There is a slight difference in meaning between the two in English: When you use the gerund, it adds a slight connotation of personal involvement. It's almost undetectable, though.
"Exercising is good" sounds slightly like
you exercise or are doing the exercising or something. "Exercise is good" sounds a bit more objective/scientific/impersonal.
This is the sense I get, so I looked it up and that's the connotative difference.