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buggedout (Offline)
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Also want to know some stuff about moving to japan - 11-26-2009, 11:03 PM

(appolgiseing in advance for bad spelling dyslexia makes me suck as such things)
Hey Iv wanted to move to japan for as long as I can rember Im going to tokyo in feb to have a lok round get a genrall feel for the place and make 100% sure its what I want if all goes well which to be honest im pretty sure it will I plan on moving there around september or october next year I have a national diploma and and in my final year of uni so will have a ba honers degree by june so qualifications arn't a problem what Im really having trouble with is where to lok for a job Iv looked through agencies like jet but as they only offer a max of 3 years its not really what im looking for kinda want something more perminant yo9ou know just wondering if anyone can help me in my job search it would be great also iv had a look and im pretty sure that i dont but if im going to tokyo for a week i dont need to apoply for a visa do I any replys would be much appriecated sorry to the starter of the thread for hijacking your topic but didn't think it would be good to start another thread on this topic
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