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honoraryjapanesegirl (Offline)
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11-26-2009, 11:52 PM

Originally Posted by trunker View Post
this one year i was in kuwat, in the middle east, and the new years fell on something like a tuesday or wednesday,....

well the government decided that new years day should be moved closer to the weekend so people could have a nice long weekend, so the holidays that year were actually on the 3rd or something like that.

we all still got smashed on the 31st anyway
lol...See, now, I have nothing against really that because the government's trying to do something nice for it's people...not trying to fix it's ecomonic problem or whatever by switching around a (should be) respectable holiday...


~...Why must the different be cast away, be cast into a deep, dark pit of loneliness, being mocked and scorned as the the enemy...and eventually...become it...?~
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