Originally Posted by RobinMask
In the UK the only holidays we have unique to us are Guy Fawkes Day and Remeberance Day (although I think some other countries in the commonwealth celebrate that). I think people have a healthy respect for the latter, and still tend to enjoy the former. Other holidays like Christmas, Easter etc. tend to be more about commercialism than religion, and Halloween - like another poster said - had little respect at all. I think most people consider holidays a time to just have fun, so there's little respect to be had
Yeah, which is unfortunate. People are forgetting why most holidays exist...I think that people should at least know why it's there...then they can benifit on their own: they can become more socially aware...lol...
~...Why must the different be cast away, be cast into a deep, dark pit of loneliness, being mocked and scorned as the the enemy...and eventually...become it...?~
~.::{Akatsuki Clan Member--Leader of California}::.~
~.::{Michiko Manami}::.~