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honoraryjapanesegirl (Offline)
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11-26-2009, 11:59 PM

Originally Posted by Ito View Post
problem in sweden is that we trying to take some american traditions. dont see the point in it. why have halloween and all saints night on same dayes?. all saints night is for honouring the died.

dont see the point of having halloween in sweden to. o.O
lol...yeah, I think that's a problem too...

Countries should celebrate their own holidays, and not take up others; I believe it only causes contraversy, but it usually doesn't sit well with the rest of the population of that


~...Why must the different be cast away, be cast into a deep, dark pit of loneliness, being mocked and scorned as the the enemy...and eventually...become it...?~
~.::{Akatsuki Clan Member--Leader of California}::.~
~.::{Michiko Manami}::.~

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