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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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11-27-2009, 03:36 AM

Originally Posted by honoraryjapanesegirl View Post
I totally agree, I think it's rather repulsive that the American government has allowed it's society to be so lax about rememberance and such. It's offensive to me as a family member of a deceased Veteran that people make such a big deal out of shopping when it's time to remember those who gave their life for our country...

Yes, I also find it strange that there's a huge time period for Halloween...I dress up and all, but I find it rediculous to be so elaborate...

I don't think I want to know the calsualty toll this year...

So you think the government should mandate how people celebrate holidays?

Originally Posted by honoraryjapanesegirl View Post
lol...yeah, I think that's a problem too...

Countries should celebrate their own holidays, and not take up others; I believe it only causes contraversy, but it usually doesn't sit well with the rest of the population of that

So as the world becomes a smaller place and the Internet brings us all closer together, we should not be allowed to celebrate festivals we find interesting and exciting if they are not from our specific culture? How do we learn more about the world if we do not celebrate festivals and holidays from other cultures? Should my friends stop doing hanami each year just because we are not Japanese?

Originally Posted by honoraryjapanesegirl View Post
Yeah, like I said before, I think people should know why they 'celebrate' what they celebrate...(even if not it's not really considered 'celebrating' XD) They should know what the purpose is behind everything so they can decide if it's their cuppa tea or not. If people 'celebrate' blindly, then that can bring up more

Can you honestly say you know WHY you celebrate every tradition and holiday you participate in?

Last edited by MMM : 11-27-2009 at 04:33 AM.
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