Thread: 君 ?
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chryuop (Offline)
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11-27-2009, 04:44 PM

I am not too much into informal Japanese since all textbook I have "worship" the ですます. Can you actually add the の directly to a name to make it as a question? I thought you still need the copula だ which in this case becomes な. クリスマスライブなの. I think it actually might be a possessive. As a title of a blob it might introduce what the blob is about. Not knowing what this Christams live is and what the blob is about tho we can only throw on the plate a huge amount of wild guesses.

降り注ぐ雨 マジで冷てぇ
暗闇の中 歩くしかねぇ
everything’s gonna be okay 恐れることねぇ
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