Originally Posted by SHAD0W
It exists to enable English (and I'm guessing other languages) can have Japanese loan-words like Karate, Sushi etc.
It should not be used as a medium to learn a language such as Japanese that does not use Roman characters as the pronounciation and spellings of words will only confuse others when they come to more advanced levels.
Take the word Tokyo, as a fine example. Romaji users will see it in their Japanese text books as Tokyo ni ikimasu. (actually cringed when writing that) but the kana for it is toukiyou.. See where I'm coming from? A person then going to learn kana will try to write ときょ (tokyo) thinking they've written the city when its really just gibberish.
Equally, they will come to read toukiyou in kana (とうきょう) and think "WTF is that?".
I've also seen Ro-maji text books use English phonetics to make Japanese words (Japanese for Dummies is a good one for this)
"Tokyo nee ee-kee-ma-soo"
I see. It's a bridge between Japanese and non-Japanese languages meant to give understandable words for Japanese nouns and concepts?
I'm probably wrong, but that's how I see it at the moment...
Nuff said.
な~さん、 いい署名だな~
Translation? Remember, non-Japanese ignoramus here...