Could you correct my English?
“A villa of Mito Kohmon”
Mito kohmon’s real name was Tokugawa Mitsukuni (July 11, 1628 - January 14, 1701). He was one of territorial loads in Edo era, and is very famous due to many TV dramas entitled “Mito Kohmon”. Almost all Japanese knows his name.
I went on a trip to Ibaraki prefecture and saw his villa last Sunday. He lived there after his retirement and started writing a history book. The villa has a large beautiful garden and many visitors today.
When I was a kid, children were always joking about Kohmon because the word has the same pronunciation as “school gate” and “anus”. Kids must be making this broad corny joke even now.
Thank you.
Tokugawa Mitsukuni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
YouTube - 水戸黄門 (主題歌) -♪ ああ人生に涙あり
YouTube - 水戸黄門・馬にまで馬鹿にされた代官
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