11-28-2009, 05:18 PM
3) 風邪しんどい
bothersome cold...
4)眠れない人 手をあげて
the person who can't sleep raise the hand
5) 眠れない人が結構いるみたいなので・・・・
because it's splendid that there's a sort of people who can't sleep ...
I think to sing also a lullaby
6) すっぴんですが元気ですの図
7) 王子たるもの部屋着はバスローブ(王宮にいる時)
the prince which he is also in the dressing room bathrobe (when it's in
the palace)
it's adidas otherwise? ?
8) お腹が空いていては戦えない!
The stomach in the sky no battle!!! (what mean?? There's few context, simply that the person had a meal with other people)
I should let decorate the/in the wall?
10)... 神メロディを探しての旅路は続く・・・
...God melody journey's search continue...
11) 歌どり中は薔薇の香り…
What's mean どり after the word uta? I can't translate this phrase at all ;_;
Thank you m(_ _)m
Last edited by munzy : 06-21-2010 at 12:10 PM.