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TalnSG (Offline)
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11-30-2009, 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by iPhantom View Post
Not really, because he would have long nails only on his right hand fingers (see above, he mentions guitar playing).

Since I've tried the same thing for playing guitar with fingerpicking, I can say that it was a bit uncomfortable for me. I wasn't used at it at all, it felt a lot different. If you are determined, you can get used to it... but I did that just to finger pick for a song, so it wasn't that needed. I ended up cutting them and playing using a pick.

You might want to check fake finger picks, they usually might not provide the same smooth tone as real nails, but they are pretty good and you don't have to wear them all the time.
My ex kept his nails a bit longer for finger picking, till one night when one tore down into the cuticle. He became an overnight fan of finger picks.

I pay far more attention to how well a man's nails are groomed than their actual length. Longer lengths also tell me the guy is usually not too adept with his hands.... otherwise length would be a problem. That's fine if he is my accountant, but not if I want him to help me with a remodeling project. Even so, I would rather see dirt under the nails of someone who earns his living with his hands, than clean ones chewed away like in the earlier photo.

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