12-01-2009, 04:05 AM
Global warming happens, it's a natural cycle every 500 years. Hell, Britian used to grow grapes 300 miles further north than they do now. The whole "Global Warming" PC buisiness is simply a motos operendi for a world government to usurp sovereignty from everyone.
Man can't change the Global enviroment that much, CO2 exchange rates are no different now than they have ever been. In fact, the earth has been cooling for the last several years. The US had it's coolist summer on record. That doesn't mean people can't change local climates or enviroments, that they can do, as the Dust Bowl proved. Nor does it mean we should stop trying to utilize green energy.
However, I put no stock in Global warming or thier idiot answers, wich are nothing more than ways to decrease the US's standard of liveing and destroy it's economic/industrial ability.