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(#171 (permalink))
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lself (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 766
Join Date: Jul 2008
12-01-2009, 04:27 AM

I probably answered this already..but I love it because...It just feels right. It feels like exactly my type of music... I was for a while ONLY interested in jrock/visual kei...but now I'm kind of expanding my tastes again.

Still, I think it will always be special for me. And my top favorite band and solo artist are heidi. and Miyavi respectively. So I guess I'm still pretty crazy about it.

It's different..I feel like visual kei has a style all its own, and it was exactly right for me at that time. There's nothing like it really in American music for instance, so maybe that's also why I was drawn to it so much.

빅뱅하고 태군하고 허영생하고 동방신기하고
MBLAQ하고 아웃사이어하고 F.Cuz하고 U-Kiss를사랑해요!
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