Originally Posted by nobora
Yup Yup please post the ones that you know
I know the ones like the guy with the hook, the Ghost of a hitchiker, and a myth about the Deer-Lady or a Goat-man!
I know other myths but that's all that I can recall right now.
I know alot of old myths like the ones about what mermaids are, or Nymph's! I like learning new myths and legends though!
I believe The Ghost Rider legend is spanish but I may be wrong, I do know that the comic & the movie are based off a myth about the hellhounds and one of the ones about the devil.
Though that would be a matter of your religion if you believe it true or not personally I don't believe it though!
I'll put down the full ones later if you want Nobura.
Will you put down the ones you know too?