Originally Posted by Ryzorian
Probably depends on what they mean by "Japanese", Someone born there would certainly be "culturally" Japanese but wouldn't have to be racially "Japanese". So what's the distinction?
That's why I think being American isn't anything about race so much as "Belief", Americanism is kinda like a relgion in some reguards, wich is why I never believed American's were born, but rather made.
Japan on the other hand, has been "racially" Japanese for millinia, so it's simply a natural order of things for them. While the US has been a hoge podge pretty much from it's birth. The two nations are practically exact oppisites in many ways. This difference might be what causes much of the frustrations.
It's iddifcult to udnerstand.. I once had a Japanese firend who couldn't stand Japanese! Work that one out