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Harumaki (Offline)
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12-02-2009, 05:43 PM

Originally Posted by Mortry View Post
I was thinking about going to Leiden too, but then choose Japanese as a minor, because the kind of jobs that you can do with only Japanese as your study, don't suit me

In the brochure of the study, it says different kinds of jobs that you can do when you've finished the study:
-Working for the government

Are there any other jobs you can do with only the study you're doing?

I am sure you can do other jobs with it, I am thinking about more researching. Since You can choose courses which handle research about learning a second language and the opportunities and difficulties can come hand in hand with acquiring a second language or maybe the linguistic direction.

There are ofcourse also directions as religious studies from Japan (shinto, buddism, zen, confuciasm, catholism, etc etc) but if you want to study more religious stuff, you are expected to understand classic Japanese, which really really really is difficult :S (i failed that course once xD)

Or how about studying Japanese literature and film or anime/manga? The professor for these courses even is Dutch, which provides an easy communication :P

But, the direction I will go to is taking a master AFTER my Japanese study to brighten my knowledge. My master will probably be something with management or marketing so I can be of use for a big company later on

Ah well, You can go whatever direction you want to go, you just need enough interest and motivation to actually go for it

Hope I helpen out a bit :S

I'm single because my parents-in-law don't have kids
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