Originally Posted by Ryzorian
Yes, but it was still doable. Historically this planet has been much warmer even a few hundred years ago.
As to "Climatologist"..Come on, how accurate are weathermen really? Yet you would disbelieve accounts against Global warming by actual scientists, who are from advanced fields of study..with actual evidence taken over decades?
As I mentioned before, this whole "climate change" BS is simply designed to bring about global government and destroy national sovereignty. It's also designed to destroy industrialized nations economically and "redistribute" their wealth to poor third world nations, many of wich don't contribute anything but Pirates..like Somolia.
The intentions are not all bad, it should be said that lowering emissions is a goal which we should be working to. Pollution is not a good thing for anyone, regardless of the country in which you live. What is left unsaid is that at the current rate of consumption, renewable energy will become the standard, and not the exception not too far in the future. No one had to ban horses in the 20th century to take them off the streets, people merely moved onto the newer, more efficient methods of transportation.
But, the driving force behind Climate Change is political. Politicians do not spend millions to get themselves elected to live on the small salary which the job pays, and they certainly don't do it because they feel a need to do good for their country. They do it because of the perks and power that the job offers, and they spend the majority of their time working on staying in office. The needs of the people are secondary.
In order to mask this obvious fact, politicians need to keep the people distracted. The usual tool for such distraction is fear. Fear that "the end of world is drawing near" has been used since the beginning of man, by generations of religious leaders and politicians. This sham always works because, like it or not, most of the world's people are incredibly ignorant. People want to believe what they are told, even when they are told outrageously stupid things.
A lot of the reasoning behind the Kyoto treaty was purely selfish. Western Europe has tried for decades to vie with America as a world power. The EU was formed specifically for this reason, as a means of increasing government and industrial efficiency. But, even after all this effort, Europe is still eclipsed by America. America's economy, and the American people's standard of living is fueled by consumerism. Relatively low taxes (compared to Europe), low energy costs, and lower levels of government regulation. The Kyoto protocol would go a long way to leveling the playing field, but would come at the expense of America's prosperity and quality of life.
A side-effect of Global Warming legislation would be a large increase in government regulation, tax, and power. New bureaucracies would be formed, filled by tax-payer funded staff. These bureaucrats would enjoy the same perks and powers that their associates in other branches of government enjoy.
As an additional way to sell the deal, billions in aid are being promised to developing countries (which already receive billions in aid), to help them modernize and reduce emissions. Another thing left unsaid is that the companies who would undertake these modernization efforts would have to be approved by the usual, corrupt processes which governments typically use when choosing private contractors to perform government-funded work. More government contracts increases the number of potential kick-backs and corruption, it's any politician's wet dream come true.