Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Central Virginia (Yamagata currently)
12-03-2009, 04:41 AM
IMO, it's completely off. It wouldn't seem authentic or anything since the OP's name isn't Japanese as far as Kanji is concerned. Even in hiragana, it'd seem off to me. To be honest, I feel it would look foolish walking around with a foreign name written in hiragan
IMO, seems like a waste to get a tattoo of one's name when the only way it would be acceptable to write it in is katakana since it is foreign to Japan.
Personally, if I was to get a tattoo of something Japanese, I'd get one of a Kanji character that best describes me or if I were to use my "name", I'd go with a Japanese Kanji that might match my name's meaning.
Of course my name's meaning is kind of interesting...
My first name can mean "blessed" or "fair" or "light-skinned"
My middle name can mean "truth" or "rational" or "noble"
My last name means "son of the devotee of Saint Brigid"
Odd combo, but maybe a Kanji matching one of the descriptions for my first or middle name might make a nice tattoo. Of course "light-skinned" would be totally out for obvious reasons.
Using my literal name (in katakana) would be extremely boring and not very artistic at all, I feel, and I feel this way for pretty much anyone who chooses to do so.