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MasterYoda (Offline)
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MS Windows: hiragana to kanji - 12-03-2009, 11:10 PM

Hi guys,

i searched at the internet and i found how to install japanese in Vista. The next step is to find out how to write in kana/kanji.

Until now, i know that there is only one way.
1. You write the word in Hiragana
2. As you write the world is underlined by a dotted line.
3. You press the space button. The word is converted to Kanji. There are more than one options. You keep pressing the space button until the proper Kanji appears.
4. You press the enter button and the procces is over. So simple.

I started by writing the numbers. I know them thanks to Shotokan Karate (counting in Japanese).

The first number is one, in Japanese is ichi. The Hiragana characters for "i" and "chi" appear by pressing the buttons "e" and "a" respectively. Then, press space, press Enter and here it is, the Kanji for ichi has replaced the two Hiragana characters.

Next number is two, san. That's the dead end for me.
Is it sa-n? I searched a Hiragana chart but there was no "n".
Can someone help me please?
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